In this animated training video we show employees of this hospitality client how to work in one of their fast food locations.
In this video we train employees to deliver impactful service in a pool side bar.
These examples are training videos for food and beverage employees at a hospitality business.
Work with us to create dynamic step-by-step instructional animated videos.
This step-by-step video shows the user how to use the device as well as take a nasal swab sample
Step-by-step animated guide for installing a flooring system.
Step-by-step animated guide for installing a flooring system in Spanish.
Bring your training programs to life with interactive modules, animated videos and gamification. Let’s make learning & development fun and effective. Take a look at these examples below.
This training module introduces workers to the company safety principles with a fun video starring the safety mascots. The knowledge check following the video is a simple game in which user can dress the mascot in the correct PPE.
This full training course leads employees through the world of digital paperwork. Learn how to receive, review and send documents virtually, make instant correction and updates, digital signatures and much more.
Show your customers how to use your apps or a website with fun animated videos.
Want to know where your money goes? We’ll show you by setting up alerts.
Grasp how to pay bills from home using a online banking portal.
Forgot your password? No problem, this how-to video shows members how to reset.
How to deposit your checks by mobile phone.
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