Our utilities clients use TADApix animated videos for many different purposes. They use them for marketing, communicating with employees and for educating customers and members in a fun and very engaging way.
We love humor and always try to include a bit of it in every video. This helps keep engagement and ultimately make the videos more successful.
Take a look at some of the use cases below to see how videos have helped our clients succeed.
We worked with our friends at Western Federal Electric Cooperative to build a library of educational videos for their members about electric cars. Everything from benefits and disadvantages to which one is the best to acquire and why. Take a look at some of the examples
We made a funny series of videos with two characters, Patrick and Clive to explain wastewater treatment. These engaging and funny videos make absorbing the message easy and fun.
We made this series of very clean and simple videos to communicate LADWP messages to its clients.
Call us! We’d love to talk!